Maintenance Contract

We keep clients on both an on- and off-contract basis. We have a large and trusted clientele that has been working with us on a contract basis for many years. We also have clients who only require quick fixes, past services, etc. We offer a wide range of services, and some of the contracts we manage are listed below.

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)

  • In any contract in which customers can purchase devices or goods from a vendor for which regular intervals of servicing or general upkeep are needed for successful operation.
  • It is recommendable for both stakeholders to ally the aspects of servicing that hardware or commodity.
  • These agreements, known colloquially as Annual Maintenance Contracts, are critical to formalizing this process.

Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC)

  • CMC entails timely service from the firm or service providers.
  • The agreement is typically for one year and can be stretched for up to 3 - 5 years based on mutual agreement between the two.
  • By undertaking this contract, one can have maintenance, repair, preventive maintenance, and replacement of parts.
  • This contact helps in having the service to be done on time without any reminders.

On-call servicing/charge

  • On-call or service charges are the quick fixes that we provide, in which the client can contact us and provide us with the clarification of the problem as well as the location where we can come and provide a quick fix.
  • This type of service is typically an on-demand contract in which services are provided on an as-needed basis based on the client's prior request.